It was a nice relaxing weekend! What did you do for Memorial Day?
I unpacked more boxes, went swimming, and ran a 5K. It was my very first. I'd like to do it again. I'm not the full on marathon type, this was just my size! I ran with hubby and puppy :). It was a church sponsered 5K run and free breakfast afterward. Sorry, no sweaty pics of myself to show.
picture from here
I also watched p.s. I love you It was so good! I wouldn't consider myself a cryer during movies, but I bawled my way through this one, so much so I needed kleenex on more then one occasion. Hillary Swank does an excellent job of showing true emotion. It hit closer to home then I thought it would, the portrayal of losing a much loved spouse. It made me even more greatful for my man. It's available to rent, WATCH IT!! Oh and I loved her apartment and fashion in the movie!
2 days ago
4 Notes to the Queen Bee:
nice job on the 5K!! we should do one together some time. So you had breakfast cooked on the "Holy Grill" :)! he cooks a mean one!
I'm for sure renting that movie. I thought it looked cheesy but a few people have told me it's a tear jerker!
Congrats on the 5K! Good for you!
We went to the beach with friends and the kids got fried, even thought we put sunblock on twice =<. They had a blast though! We got some good pics, which I'll post when my life isn't so crazy.
I don't keep in touch with Richard and Lisa. I was hoping you had so I could get their contact info from you! Great job on your run! It takes heart to do any type of long distance running!
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