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Monday, June 9, 2008

Being King

Princess Diaries 2 was on TV this weekend. Hubby decided being royalty in a small country would suit him quite nicely :) One can dream...

Cawdor Castle in Scotland, the walled garden was planted in the 1700's
Photo taken by chesca44 on
I would be content going to the Sheraton Pattaya Resort in Thailand for a few weeks...
Photo taken by libelluleco-

3 Notes to the Queen Bee:

ambyr said...

so what's up with you! are you blogging about all of your passions in life! You're so grown up!! I remember when we used to go swimming at andi's apartment after she got married...or maybe that was just once. how are you!

tiffany nicole said...

yeah, I could take either of those. but I would especially love to have my own walled garden!

s.s parker said...

hi I'm back! but i leave again friday. what have you been up too? i'm running around with my head cut off trying to pack a house onto a boat! we definitely have to do something when I get back.