Mr Griffin is 8 months old!
Chillin in Mom's Jacuzzi- aka the Kitchen Sink.

I had a birthday- This is the last year in my 20s- gotta make it count! Kev did a fabulous job and treated me like a Queen.
Griffin Isn't crawling yet, but sleeps on his knees at night-Silly boy. I gets in crawling position and then flattens his body and scoots across the floor with his hands and toes.

A couple of the monthly pics I take.

This boy has 5 teeth and 3 more breaking through. ahead of schedule!
I've started keeping a journal that I try to write in once a week with all the things Griffin is doing and special moments, experiences with him. It has been very cool and I know I'll be so glad I did it in the future.
I'm working at a center for eating disorders, running groups, workshops,and individual counseling. I have clients that are non eating disorders as well- loving it.
We visited family in Indiana and Wisconsin. I am visiting Oregon in November. Kevan turned 31 and we are enjoying life. Will post pics soon.

1 Notes to the Queen Bee:
He is adorable! Looks like Kevan to me. Gorgeous eyes! Happy late birthdays to all!
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