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Monday, April 14, 2008

The big move!

I hate moving, but one thing that makes up for it is the chance to redecorate. I'll be sure to post before and after pics after I get going in the new place. We did however go furniture shopping this weekend. Just to "look". Right.... several hundered later we are the proud owners of two new peices of furniture :) It is so hard for me
to decide because I have such eclectic taste, I like the Elegant look, the retro/mod look, so deciding can be tough. I know what I like once it's all put together, but putting it together peice by peice is tough!! They look better in person. The first peice is what we are going to put our TV on. I wanted something flatter against the wall not short, wide and squatty. What do you think? Honesty please!

This is our table that will go in the eating nook of our apartment. Can you tell I'm a dark wood lover? Getting new furniture will help me get over the "pain" of packing and unpacking.

7 Notes to the Queen Bee:

the southern hostess said...

I love both pieces! I'm a dark wood lover too. Great finds!

Criscell said...

CUTE stuff, Ray! You have nice taste. I like dark wood too. A lot of my stuff is hand-me-downs or garage sale, or Wal-Mart and a lot of it is light. Oh well. when are you moving? Where to?

About the magnet board--I bought a magnet board at Robert's Craft store when I was home in IF (in Nov.) and then I just put scraps of scrapbook paper I liked all over it with modge podge glue. Then I tied some ribbon to it in random places. Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck! It was pretty easy and cheap and looks great.

S Semon said...

I like the tv stand. I wish we could buy new furniture---alas, one day!
We are moving in a couple of months too--but I won't be able to buy new furniture to make me feel better about it--but I guess making room for Lily is a good enough reason!

s.s parker said...

love the new pieces! i love getting new furniture, but it doesn't happen very often. i'm a dark wood fan too. i'm already sad your moving but we'll definitely keep in touch. hope dinner at grandma's was dee-lish!

Erickson Family said...

We must be related...OH WAIT! We ARE! LOL I love dark wood too and I also have a very ecclectic taste. I can never decide which style to go with so it's usually a little here and there of it all. I LOVE LOVE both pieces you got. Making me excited to decorate my own place in a few months!!!

tiffany nicole said...

I love square tables. My kitchen table is square too, but bigger since we need more seating. And I'm happy you found my blog and like it--it doesn't scare me at all! :)

TwinkleBee said...

Thanks, for everyone's feedback! I'll post more during the redecor process, Opinions are always VERY helpful!