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Monday, January 12, 2009

Demarle Banana Bread

You know what it means when your bananas start looking like this...

Luckily I happened to receive the Demarle Pans I ordered in the mail this weekend. They are silicon (so non stick Yay!!) with glass woven throughout. Made in France. They are commercial grade that professional chef's use. That being said, you would think I cook a lot... um... yeah... sure... but I can say I'm all about easy, and boy these are like a dream. My sister sells them, when she came to visit last year she threw a party and did demos. I was in love with the product and finally ordered some at their end of the year sale.

This one is a muffin tray. You can make quiche, muffins etc. Keep them regular or flip them upside down for a decorative look.

Yeah.. so my camera is only half working... taking pictures crooked even though I line them up correctly.

The Mini Charlotte Tray- Little bite size goodness.

Kev and I call these poppers. Just grab a couple and pop them in your mouth. Cute & Decorative.

6 Notes to the Queen Bee:

Bernie and Doll said...

YUM!! i want some nana bread!(thats what B instists that its called :) and an open invitaion to take a knife to your toes....Im SO in! Bring those little piggys on! come see me!

Erickson Family said...
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Handi Andi said...

They look awesome! Are you glad you got the pans? How did they taste? How long did they take to cook? aren't the mini-charlotte ones so cute? that is one of my favorite trays for sure, even though its a pain in the butt to fill. I have two of those because they take so long to fill I need to have one ready to go when I put the other in the oven, but they are a hit whenever I make them.

Renee said...

I like the new layout!

Matt and Kristine said...

Your next step is iron chef! That looks like fun, way to bake.

Criscell said...

Mmmmm...I love it. Cute and delicious at the same time!